Archive for calls, January 2020

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[Commlist] Call for Book Review by CJC

Mon Jan 20 08:03:46 GMT 2020

The /Chinese Journal of Communication/ has the following book titles
available for review for publication consideration in CJC. Reviewers must have a Ph.D., or at least be advanced graduate students already writing their doctoral dissertations. They must have sufficient expertise in the field of the book they propose to review. Good writing skills are required.

If interested in reviewing one of these books, please provide the following details in this order, and send them to CJC’s book review editor Dr. Lin Zhang ((lin.zhang /at/ <mailto:(lin.zhang /at/>)

Proposals to review books not listed are also considered, provided that they are relevant to CJC’s mission. Proposals to review books not available in English are also welcomed.

1) Your full name, title (e.g., professor, associate professor, etc.) and

2) Email and Mailing addresses (home address preferred).

3) Author name and title of the book you're interested in reviewing.

This is on a first-come, first-served basis and we apologize in advance if
the book you’ve requested is not available at the time you respond (Books are usually claimed by reviewers within a couple of hours after the list is published…if you do not receive a reply from me after sending your request, it means that the book you requested has already been taken).

A standard review is about 1,500 English words in length, due two months after the reviewer receives the book (Print or digital). Please refer to our recently published reviews as samples for formatting.

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