Archive for calls, January 2019

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[Commlist] Call for Papers: Ideologies in mass media

Mon Jan 14 09:33:18 GMT 2019

Call for Papers: Ideologies in mass media

University of Seville, 10, 11, 12 April, 2019.

Seville, Spain.

*We accept proposals in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

This call is an invitation to a three days international congress, out of which it is proposed to prepare an edited collection of papers arising from it, on the theme of ideology theory, politics and representation. We are interested in receiving submissions from a range of disciplines: social sciences, cultural studies, life science and others.

We invite papers that engage with and showcase your research on any or all of the following topics:

  * Ideologies in mass media.
  * Ideologies in the digital environment.
  * New interactive narratives.
  * Critical Discourse Analysis (entertainment formats, information
    formats, social networks. . . ).
  * Analysis of discourse in mass culture (television series, comics,
    cinema. . . ).
  * Digital platforms and contents (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu. . . ).
  * Propaganda: the discourse of power.
  * Media effects.

Abstracts of no more than 400 words, a working title, and a short proposer biography are invited for submission no later than *February 25^th , 2019* to Once you are registered you can submit your paper by clicking on 'Symposium 4: ideologías en la comunicación mediática'.

Papers accepted for the conference will be included in the edited collection proposal although speakers are welcome to submit proposals intended for the conference.

For detailed submission instructions, please visit

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