Archive for July 2024

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[Commlist] CFP: (Re)Valuing the Creator Economy Preconference

Wed Jul 24 20:00:08 GMT 2024

We’d like to invite proposal submissions to “(Re)Valuing the Creator Economy: Platforming Conversations in/across Communication Studies,” to be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, in New Orleans. This 1-day preconference, part of the National Communication Association’s annual convention, will dedicate scholarly space to creative economies, influencer culture and labor, and content creation practices. You do not need to be an NCA member to join us!  To read our full CFP, use this link: <>.

The preconference will feature several ‘flashpoint talk’ panels. In these sessions, scholars will share a brief presentation about a work-in-progress. Potential submissions may focus on, but are not limited to:


    Creative labor in the Global South and digital colonialism


    Platform work and precarity


    Platform affordances: Play, shitposting, and algospeak


    Creator-scholars and scholars collaborating directly with creators


    Identity, inequities, and marginalization


    Organizing and social movements (#BlackCreatorStrike, #Blockout2024)


    Creative economies and the convergence of legacy media industries


    Platform logics and ideologies


    Pedagogical practices around the creator economy


    The place of creator studies and the creator economy in
    Communication Studies


    What’s next: New directions for creative labor

      Submission Instructions

To submit a flashpoint talk proposal, please submit the following via our Google form <> through Friday, August 23:


    Your first and last name


    Your rank and affiliation for Fall 2024


    A title and 200 word abstract for your flashpoint talk


    A brief biography (no more than 100 words)


    Any accessibility requests

Link to submit: <>

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact Jess Rauchberg ((jessica.rauchberg /at/ <mailto:(jessica.rauchberg /at/>) prior to the Friday, August 23 submission deadline. We hope you’ll join us in New Orleans this November!

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