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[Commlist] Conference Call for papers: Media and cultural production platforms in the Middle East and North Africa

Mon Jul 15 14:58:02 GMT 2024

We are pleased to send you the call for papers for the "Platforms of media and cultural productions in the Middle East and North Africa" conference, to be held in Marrakech (Morocco) on April 9-10, 2025.

In a context where digital streaming platforms are redefining the modalities of access to culture, information, and entertainment, it becomes essential to dissect the multiple facets of this ongoing platformization. It is equally necessary to inscribe the latter within the broader framework of the circulation of these industries and cultural productions.

Certainly, the multidimensional phenomenon of platformization is attracting growing interest among researchers from various disciplines. These platforms are transforming and shaping new practices in the production and consumption of cultural industries (AHMED, 2019; AZZA ABDEL-AZIM, 2020). Moreover, this platformization is challenging existing supply models and eliciting varied reactions from those involved in cultural production. As O. THUILLAS and L. WIART demonstrate, there is a double positioning: for some, platformization offers opportunities, while for others, it threatens “cultural diversity” due to commercialization and monopolization. In fact, the issues linked to the hegemony of international players and the standardization of formats exacerbate the tensions between “cultural globalization” and the promotion of local content (HANNERZ, 1996; BOUQUILLION and ITHURBIDE, 2021; MATTELART 2008). Other questions relating to the emergence of new temporalities in the creation, production, and consumption of content are also emerging in the debates (THOER, BOISVERT, NIEMEYER, 2022).

This conference follows on from two scientific initiatives focusing on cultural industries in the MENA region. The first is the seminar “Production and Circulation of Cultural Industries: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa“[1] organized since 2015 by Dominique Marchetti and Abdelfettah Benchenna. Its objective is to address the lack of research in the humanities and social sciences on cultural goods, which are considered trivial research objects in the region. The planned meeting also proposes an analysis of these objects in light of national specificities and circulation processes.

Secondly, this event is part of the research project “VOD and Streaming Platforms in the MENA region“[2], which was awarded a label by the MSH Paris-Nord in 2021-2023 and resulted in the organization of a symposium in June 2023. On this occasion, researchers from different disciplines (information and communication sciences, cultural studies, anthropology, political science) discussed the existing offer, its conditions, its production contexts, and audience practices.

Similar to the transformations introduced by satellite television in the 1990s and 2000s (QUIJANO et GUAAYBESS, 2009), the arrival of platforms marks the emergence of new spaces for the circulation of media and cultural productions. Consequently, they contribute, among other things, to the introduction of new cultural consumption practices, influencing the strategies, at the very least digital, of so-called traditional media players, at national, regional, and international levels (AHMED, 2019 ; AZZA ABDEL-AZIM, 2020). Platformization also calls into question existing socio-economic models and produces new, pluralistic ones, depending on the content, the socio-economic characteristics of the target countries, etc.

The conference therefore aims to deepen these reflections and enrich the scientific debate on this issue in the MENA region. Its main objective is to contribute to scientific research on this geographical area, while offering a nuanced perspective on its complexity and diversity, but also while taking into account its disparate heritage in terms of audiovisual and cinematographic production. In this sense, it is crucial to examine the specific socio-political-economic contexts (MERMIER 2009 ; MILLER, 2012) in which these platforms are evolving in a region often and incorrectly perceived as homogeneous.

*One of the unique features of this scientific event is that it provides a space for researchers and professionals working or having worked in some of the region’s well-known platforms to meet and exchange ideas. This dual perspective, between academics and professionals, is motivated by the very specificities of the MENA region, where field surveys are most often difficult to conduct for several reasons (discretion of interlocutors, coveted market, sensitive political and geopolitical contexts, etc.)*

By examining the emergence of digital platforms in the MENA region, this conference aims to provide insights into a series of key questions. How do digital platforms concretely figure within the existing media and cultural landscapes of the MENA region? To what extent do these platforms tailor their content, production methods, and dissemination strategies to cater to the diverse audiences within the MENA region? How effectively do these platforms address and incorporate the cultural, social, and political particularities of the MENA region? How do these platforms integrate into the broader ecosystem of cultural production and circulation within the MENA region? What is the impact of this platformization on established cultural producers? How are digital platforms leading to a redefinition of strategies and market positioning among cultural producers in the MENA region? What role, if any, do existing public policies play in regulating this evolving media landscape? How does the phenomenon of platformization affect the complex interplay between internationalization, cultural hegemony, and the availability and promotion of locally produced content? This conference seeks to move beyond general observations and delve into the specific dynamics at play within the MENA region, fostering a nuanced understanding of this complex and rapidly evolving landscape.

The conference will focus specifically on audiovisual digital platforms, namely video streaming platforms, both pure players and those operated by major public or private audiovisual groups, as well as music platforms. In other words, the conference aims to examine, among other things, the motivations, offerings, and strategies for innovation, service expansion, alliances, and general interest pursued by these players.

*Communication proposals may focus on, but are not limited to, one or more of the following topics:*

*Axes and topics*

*Axis 1: International, Regional, and National Dynamics*

This first axis aims to study the streaming landscape in the region by mapping existing or past platforms according to their country of origin. Beyond a simple inventory, this mapping will identify the stratification of this landscape between international, regional, and local platforms. What does this stratification tell us, and how does it inform the content offered by these platforms and influence audience practices?

Within this landscape, what is the place, existing or to be built, for “small” audiovisual streaming players emerging in certain countries (such as Aflamin in Morocco and Artify in Tunisia)? What content do they offer, and what are their margins for maneuver in a sector dominated by international giants and regional audiovisual industry leaders?

Particular attention will be paid to the unequal circulation of productions between different countries within the region. This axis will also examine the existing content offering in the region to determine to what extent it modifies or maintains existing logics of production, storytelling, and creativity.

*Proposed sub-themes:*

  * Adaptation of content strategies by international platforms for the
    MENA market.
  * Cultural hegemony and counter-hegemony.
  * Dynamics of production, consumption, and circulation of local vs.
    regional and international content.
  * Impact of regulations and cultural public policies on content
    offerings in the MENA region.

*Axis 2: Audience Practices*

This topic aims to understand audience practices by focusing not only on strategies for formal and informal access to streaming platforms but also on the “new” practices of consuming their content. This axis explores the gray area between legality and illegality, as well as the moral and cultural perceptions associated with piracy in the Arab world(s). The content protection strategies implemented by platforms, as well as the obstacles they face, will also be studied.


  * Professionalization in the sale of subscriptions to streaming servers.
  * Viewing practices and binge-watching trends among audiences in the
  * Specific uses of platforms.
  * Relationship of access providers and platform players to the
    informal market.
  * The professionalization of digital content protection within platforms.

*Axis 3: Content Strategies*

This third topic mobilizes several approaches and disciplines: socio-economic analysis, storytelling, sociology and cultural studies, etc. It addresses the specific content strategies adopted by streaming platforms to reach audiences in the Middle East and North Africa, taking into account regional cultural, social, and political dynamics. This section examines how international and regional platforms adapt their offerings to meet the diverse expectations of MENA audiences while navigating regulatory and cultural complexities.


  * Content acquisition and targeting policies.
* Localization strategies: from translation to dubbing to new productions.
  * Linguistic and artistic dimensions of content.
  * Regional collaboration and content diversification: examining the
    impact of partnerships and joint productions between international
    streaming platforms and local producers.

*Axis 4: Relationships Between Different players in Cultural Production*

This axis explores the complex relationships between streaming platforms, traditional content producers, and new digital entrants within the MENA region’s cultural ecosystem. By highlighting the synergies, tensions, and collaborations between these different players, this section aims to understand how the arrival of streaming platforms is changing the production, distribution, and consumption of cultural content in the region. It will also focus on how these players are adapting to technological and regulatory challenges and audience expectations in a constantly evolving market.


  * Synergies between streaming platforms and traditional production.
  * Collaborations between streaming platforms and production companies.
  * Interactions of “original” platform productions with the local
    cultural industry.
  * Regulations and public policies: The role of public authorities in
    regulating the streaming market.

*This symposium is funded by the Labex ICCA and has received support from LabSIC and from the IRN project “Platforms in the Global South” (CNRS) .*

*The symposium will be held at the École Supérieure des Arts Visuels (ESAV) in Marrakech, Morocco.*

*Organizing committee :*

*ADIB DOSS* Maria (Associate Professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, LabSIC), *AZIZI* Asmaa (Associate Professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, LabSIC), *BENCHENNA* Abdelfettah (Professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, LabSIC), *MARCHETTI* Dominique (Research Director at CNRS), *CARREE* Roland, Lecturer in Cinema Studies, ESAV)

*Scientific Committee :*

*BADR *Hanan, Full Professor of Communication Studies, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria , *BEN NEFISSA *Sarah*, *Research Director at the Institute for Research and Development(IRD), France, *BOUQUILLION *Philippe, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences director of LabSIC, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, France, *HADJ MOUSSA *Ratiba, Professor of sociology of culture, York University, Canada, *HALABI* Nour, Associate Professor and Interdisciplinary Fellow, Aberdeen University, Scotland, *ITHURBIDE *Christine, CNRS Researcher, Passages, France, *KHALIL *Joe, Professor of Communication Studies, Northwestern University, Qatar, *MATTELART *Tristan, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, CARISM, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University, France, *MERMIER *Franck, Research Director at CNRS, IRIS, France, *MILLER *Catherine, Emeritus Research Director at CNRS, IREMAM, France, *KOCH* Olivier, Associate Professor at Sorbonne Paris Nord University, LabSIC, France, *SAKR *Naomi, Emeritus Professor of Media, University of Westminster School of Media and Communication, England, *SALAMANDRA* Christa, Professor of Anthropology and “Middle Easter Studies”, City University of New York.


We encourage colleagues to submit papers or panels that focus on case studies (of a specific platform or country) as well as those that favor transversal or comparative studies. Theoretical but also empirical contributions based on field studies are welcome. Similarly, contributions that raise methodological biases, difficulties in accessing fields. Young researchers and doctoral students are warmly invited to submit papers. Proposals (*3,000 to 4,000 characters*) must include a well-defined research question and a description of the methodology. They must also be accompanied by a bibliography and a short biographical note. Proposals may be submitted in French or English. Please send your proposals to : *(communication.menaplatforms /at/ <mailto:(communication.menaplatforms /at/>*

*Calendar *

*15 sept. 2024:                 Deadline for abstract submission.*

/Authors are invited to submit an abstract of their paper or panel proposal, including objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. Accompanied by a short bio./

*15 oct. 2024:                   Notification of acceptance to authors*.

/Following evaluation by the scientific committee, selected authors will be informed of the acceptance of their proposals*_._*/

*26 feb. 2025:                   Submission of papers (first version)*

/Authors whose proposals have been accepted must send a first complete version of their work (35 000 characters) for review, which will be examined by the scientific committee for publication revisions./

*Symposium dates:         9-10 April 2025*

*/The publication schedule, including the deadlines for submitting the final versions of the papers incorporating any post-symposium revisions, will be communicated to the participants./**/Following the symposium, a publication of the selected papers is planned./*

*Registrations will be open from February 2025.*

/Bibliography/ :

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