Archive for July 2020

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[Commlist] cfp: Challenges of Journalism in 21. century – Automated Journalism and AI Journalism

Mon Jul 13 10:00:52 GMT 2020

Call for Papers

*„Challenges of Journalism in 21. century – Automated Journalism and AI Journalism“*

*Conference organized by Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University*

During the last decade we were witnessing the rise of automated journalism and application of artificial intelligence tools in the newsrooms. From simple use of templates to highly sophisticated automated content production, omnipresent algorithms, news on social networks, fake news production and its detection became our everyday media practice. AI has slowly but unstoppably entered the media landscape. The rise of AI brought wide scale of problems and questions. Organizers call for proposal addressing, but not limited, to following themes:

*Theme 1. Newsgathering*

-Data gathering, real time monitoring, data harvesting

-Data verification, automated fact checking

-Crunching big data, data extraction

-Applications of AI journalism – case studies

*Theme 2. News Production*

-Text creation

-Automated narratives from big data

-Visual materials creation (videos, graphics, infographics)

-Influence of AI on newsroom organization, routines

-Copyright of AI produced content

*Theme 3. News Distribution*

-Targeted distribution

-Personalization, algorithms, social bubbles

-Human vs. machine interaction, human supervision

-Information correlation

-Fake news elimination vs. fake news production

*Theme 4. AI Ethics*

-New skills in the newsroom related to AI adoption

-Journalistic education related to AI journalism

-Threats and opportunities of AI journalism

-Responsibility for AI journalism

*Keynote speaker: *

       - Professor Charlie Beckett (LSE Media and Communications, POLIS)

*Important dates:*

-Deadline for abstract submissions *before 31. July*

-Notification of acceptance will be sent before 31. August

-Deadline for conference registration 15. September

-Date of the conference 24. September

*Conference fees:*

-Early birds before 31. July - Students 50 Euro, Regular 75 Euro

-After - Students 75 Euro, Regular 100 Euro

*Practical information:*

-Abstract should be written in English, contain clear outline of argument, and between 300 and 500 words long.

-Presentations should be no longer than 12 minutes.

-Conference will take place at Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University in Prague. Conference will be streamed online and recorded for further access.


Send the abstracts to: *(aijournalism /at/ <mailto:(aijournalism /at/>*

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