Archive for July 2016

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[ecrea] New Book: Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century

Tue Jul 26 12:00:44 GMT 2016

The editors are pleased to announce the publication of:


*Africa's Media Image in the 21st Century: From the "Heart of Darkness" to "Africa Rising" <><>*<>Mel Bunce, Suzanne Franks, Chris Paterson (eds)


The book brings together leading researchers and prominent journalists to explore the representation of sub-Saharan Africa, and the production of that image. Its twenty-nine chapters address topics from the coverage of Boko Haram and the Ebola crisis, to the emergence of the "Africa Rising" narrative, the Chinese media system's view of Africa, and the impact of Twitter and Instagram on whose voices are heard.

Contributors include: Salim Amin, Zeinab Badawi, Sean Jacobs, Francis Nyamnjoh, Herman Wasserman, Eliza Anyangwe, Michela Wrong, Howard French, Kate Wright, Martin Scott, Vivien Marsh, H. Nanjala Nyabola, Stijn Joye, Olatunji Ogunyemi, Toussaint Nothias, Danielle Becker, Anjan Sundaram, Rachel Flamenbaum, Heba Aly, Ludek Stavinoha, Audrey Ariss, Anya Schiffrin, James Wan, Abdullahi Tasiu Abubakar and Noah Tsika

*Selected Reviews:*

"Mel Bunce, Suzanne Franks and Chris Paterson have assembled the single most important collection of analyses of African media and image in at least a quarter of a century. In practically all respects this volume goes beyond previous, mainly 20th century, northern-centered ways of framing and thinking about Africa's media image”. *Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Bowling Green State University*

"This is an excellent book which fills a crucial gap in existing literature. It has a wide range of contributors offering key insights and analysis - a must read for students and academics in development studies as well as those in media and international journalism."*Gregory Philo, University of Glasgow*

If you are attending the IAMCR conference in Leicester this week, please join us to celebrate the publication of the book on Friday 29th July, 5.30-6pm, in LT5 Bennet Building. A full launch will be held in London on September 13th (details to follow).

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