Archive for July 2016

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[ecrea] Conference Critical Mediatization Research

Tue Jul 19 11:22:08 GMT 2016

Invitation to the international conference "Critical Mediatization Research. Power, inequality and social change in a mediatized age", ** **30th August to 1st September, 2016 at the "House of Science" in Bremen, Germany**
Organized by the DFG priority program 1505 "Mediatized Worlds" in cooperation with the ECREA Section "Mediatization"


The conference "Critical Mediatization Research. Power, inequality and social change in a mediatized age" is concerned with critical studies, critical analysis, and reflections of the ongoing mediatization processes in different parts of the world.

The program promises diverse and transdisciplinary discussions: We are very pleased to have Emeritus Prof. Dr. John Storey (University of Sunderland, UK) and Dr. Andreas Scheu (University of M??nster, Germany) as keynote speakers at the conference. Furthermore, 28 talks in 9 panels deal with different theoretical and empirical approaches to critical mediatization research: On the one hand, several theory-oriented panels discuss possibilities and limits of critical mediatization research from perspectives of cultural studies, critical theory, social interactionism, social constructionism, and practice theory, among others. On the other hand, different case studies deal with topics such as political participation and protest in mediatized worlds; controversial relationships between governments, social actors and media; affective dimensions of mediatized fear, fun and risk; critical media practices; and class-related aspects of mediatization.

We invite you to participate in the conference in Bremen and discuss these and other aspects of ciritcal mediatization research with us.


Please find a printer-friendly version of the preliminary conference program here: Further information on the conference can be found here:


Please register here online for the conference until July 31st, 2016:
The conference fee for non-presenters is 30 Euro (reduced 15 Euro).
Included in the conference fee are catering for lunch and breaks as well as the conference dinner on August 31st (drinks not included). The get together on August 30th is self-funded.

- For the priority program "Mediatized Worlds": Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz (University of Bremen) - For the ECREA Section "Mediatization": Prof. Dr. Stig Hjarvard (University of Copenhagen)

*Conference Venue*

House of Science
Sandstra??e 4/5
28195 Bremen

*Local Organization*

Cathrin Despotovi?? & Merle-Marie Kruse
Linzer Stra??e 4
28359 Bremen, Germany
Email: (critical.mediatization /at/

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