Archive for July 2016

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[ecrea] New Book Announcement: 'French-language Road Cinema' by Michael Gott

Fri Jul 15 18:38:59 GMT 2016


*French-language Road Cinema: Borders, Diasporas, Migration and 'New Europe'*

*By Michael Gott *

Hardback / June 2016 / 208 pages / ISBN 9780748698677 / £70.00

Part of the Traditions in World Cinema series / Published by Edinburgh University Press


*About the book*

Over the past two decades road cinema has become an increasingly popular form of expression for European directors. Focusing on a corpus of films from France, Belgium and Switzerland, including works by Ismaël Ferroukhi, Bouli Lanners, Aki Kaurismäki and Jacqueline Audry amongst many others, /French-language Road Cinema/ contends that nowhere is the impulse to remap the spaces and identities of ‘New Europe’ more evident than in French-language cinema. Drawing on mobility studies, cultural geography and film theory, this innovative work sketches out the flexible yet distinctive parameters of contemporary French-language road cinema, and argues for an understanding of the ‘road movie’ not as a genre but as a thematic and formal template that crosses cinematic categories to bring together a wide array of films that narrate the movements of migrants, tourists and business executives.

*>Find out more about /French-language Road Cinema/ <redir.aspx?REF=LTkQEnNNrwifzaaozSwFPmglI53Mi97wufwxrDOlkpuSVOr-uazTCAFodHRwczovL2VkaW5idXJnaHVuaXZlcnNpdHlwcmVzcy5jb20vYm9vay1mcmVuY2gtbGFuZ3VhZ2Utcm9hZC1jaW5lbWEuaHRtbA..> :*




‘Mapping French-language European road cinema through France, Switzerland and Belgium, its trajectories extending yet further afield in Europe and beyond, Gott’s book is at once a perceptive exploration of a broad but coherent filmic corpus, an astute re-examination of the road movie, and a novel contribution to transnational European film studies.’ -- Laura Rascaroli, Professor of Film and Screen Media, University College Cork


Michael Gott, PhD
Director of Graduate Studies & Assistant Professor of French
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Director of Programming / Center for Film and Media Studies
University of Cincinnati
E-mail: (michael.gott /at/
Office: 709B Old Chemistry

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