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[ecrea] Journal of Alternative and Community Media, volume 1 (2016) - new issue and journal

Wed Jul 13 07:27:49 GMT 2016

The Journal of Alternative and Community Media, volume 1 (2016) is now published!

Journal of Alternative and Community Media

Susan Forde - Griffith University
Chris Atton - Edinburgh Napier University
Managing Editor
Ben Green - Griffith University


The Journal of Alternative and Community Media is an online, academic journal for the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed international research.

The journal aims to highlight and promote the study of alternative and community media and communication, which includes citizens′ media, participatory media, activist and radical media and the broader forms of communication that these groups might undertake. The Journal locates this scholarship within the media and cultural research disciplines.

This field of study continues to grow and demonstrates increasing relevance in the digital age. The Journal of Alternative and Community Media recognises the need for strong empirical and theoretical advances which help explain the shifting media environment, and the ways in which people use alternative forms of media and communication. Issues of concern to the journal include but are not limited to the nature and distribution of media power; access to and participation in media; media practices of communities and social movements; diverse objectives, practices and structures within alternative and community media; state support and media regulation; and the possibilities of emerging technologies and new media.

The Journal of Alternative and Community Media will define the field, present exciting, new research and advance the study of alternative and community media around the world.

The journal seeks submissions ( from international authors conducting quality, rigorous research. All articles are subject to the highest standards of peer review under the guidance of an international Editorial Advisory Board comprised of leaders in the field.

TOC volume 1


Chris Atton, Susan Forde
Invited Essays from our Editorial Advisory Board

Overcoming net-centricity in the study of alternative and community media
Bart Cammaerts
Community media as rhizome: Expanding the research agenda
Nico Carpentier
Personal reflections on 50 years of radical media
John DH Downing
Alternative media and the question of power
Natalie Fenton
The global alternative and community media sector: Prospects in an era of climate crisis
Kerrie Foxwell-Norton
Alternative media for global crisis
Robert A Hackett
Living up to its politics
James F Hamilton

So many questions: What’s the point of researching and teaching alternative media?
Tony Harcup
Media at the margins? After the mainstreaming of participatory media practices
Arne Hintz
Social movement communications in the Year of the Monkey
Dorothy Kidd
Towards alternative media as critical media in Africa
Winston Mano, Lynete Lusike Mukhongo
Our voice: Indigenous communication as a cultural resource
Michael Meadows
Community media: Institutions, trust and groups
Ellie Rennie
Human agency and media praxis: Re-centring alternative and community media research
Clemencia Rodriguez
The state and community media
Pradip Thomas

Alternative media, self-representation and Arab-American women
Kenza Oumlil
Putting the ‘love back in’ to journalism: Transforming habitus in Aboriginal affairs student reporting
Bonita Mason, Chris Thomson, Dawn Bennett, Michelle Johnston
Towards a reconceptualisation of the lumpenproletariat: The collective organisation of poverty for social change through participatory media
Cindy Vincent
The ‘imagined community’ of readers of hyperlocal news: A case study of Baristanet
Renee Barnes
Communicative sovereignty in Latin America: The case of Radio Mundo Real
Katherine Reilly
Community radio and peace-building in Kenya
Jessica Gustafsson
An opposition newspaper under an oppressive regime: A critical analysis of The Daily News
Pedzisai Ruhanya
Introducing Community Audio Towers as an alternative to community radio in Uganda
Brian Semujju
Book Reviews

Martínez Hermida, M. & Sierra Caballero, F. (eds) (2012). Comunicación y Desarrollo. Prácticas comunicativas y empoderamiento local [Communication and Development: Communicative Practices and Local Empowerment]. Barcelona: Gedisa. ISBN 9 7884 9784 6912, 429 pp.
Claudia Magallanes-Blanco
Kitchin, Rob (2014). The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures & Their Consequences. London: Sage. ISBN: 9 7814 4628 7484. & Elmer, Greg, Ganaele Langlois and Joanna Redden (eds) (2015). Compromised Data: From Social Media to Big Data. New York: Bloomsbury. ISBN: 9 7815 0130 6518.
Arne Hintz
Robie, D (2014) Don’t Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Rights in the Pacific. Auckland: Little Island Press. ISBN 9 7818 7748 4254, 208 pp.
Usha Harris

Nico Carpentier
Uppsala University
Department of Informatics and Media
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
753 13 Uppsala
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Free University of Brussels
Charles University in Prague
Media and participation: A site of ideological-democratic struggle
New article (open access):
Beyond the Ladder of Participation.
An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes
Javnost - the Public, Vol 23, Iss 2 (2016)
Centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance
International Association for Media and Communication Research
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European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
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