Archive for July 2016

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[ecrea] event: camp convivialities and refugee communications

Mon Jul 04 18:41:15 GMT 2016

13 July 2016, Bankfield House Lecture Theatre, 132 New Walk, Leicester

You are invited to this event hosted by the Media and Development Group and supported by the Media Cultures Cluster at the University of Leicester and the British Council Newton Fund.

In September 2015, in the midst of Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War 1, Mark Zuckerberg along with Bono and Bill Gates signed the Connectivity Declaration which pledges to bring the internet to UN refugee camps. Digital connectivity is imagined here to help refugees access support from the humanitarian community as well as maintain links to family and loved ones. While Facebook’s intervention is novel in reach and scale, many international humanitarian organizations including the Red Cross and Internews have recently emphasized technological and communications-centered solutions to enhance information management, two-way communication, and community engagement. At the same time, ethnographic research in refugee camps have shed light on people’s strategic uses of media to learn new languages, protest, or even seek escapist pleasures within exceptional conditions of “bare life.”

This workshop brings together academics, humanitarian agency representatives, civil society groups and artist communities to explore the diverse range of communication practices in refugee camps. Presenters engage with the camp as a complex and contradictory site of stasis and mobility, exclusion and hospitality, and extra-ordinariness. The presentations and final roundtable discussion aim to spark intersectoral collaborations on communication interventions and participatory action research.

10:30-11:00- Registration and Opening Remarks
11:00-11:45- Keynote by Marie Gillespie - Mapping Refugee Media Journeys: Smart Phones and Social Media Networks 11:45-12:45- Panel on Agency Interventions and Communications (Victoria Jack/Internews, Nicki Bailey/BBC Media Action, Socrates Moutidis/journalist)
12:45-1:45- Lunch
1:45-3:00- Panel on Community Convivialities (Kajal Patel/Lightseekers, Jonathan Corpus Ong/Leicester, Maria Rovisco/Leicester, Lucy Stackpool-Moore/Watipa)
3:00-3:15- Coffee
3:15-3:45- Keynote by Myria Georgiou - Communication Architectures of the Border: A Humanitarianism/Militarization Nexus
3:45-4:00: Roundtable Discussion with All Participants

Conference Organizers: Jonathan Corpus Ong, Maria Rovisco, Maria Touri
Event is free but seats are limited. To book a place, please email the conference secretariat, Sandra Kaulfuss (sk630 /at/ <mailto:(sk630 /at/>

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